Film & TV Development Studio Hello. Work by Industry Design your brand Promote your brand Spread awareness Edutain children Empower people Organise info Make ideas visible Grow online. 21 Styles Work Illustration General Children Cartoons/Comics Children’s Books Loadshedding House of Mouse Her First Mobile! The Runaway Egg Piglet and Scarecrow The Lost Dog The Dream […]

Communicate with animated cartoons
These little CrazyTalk animations provide a friendly beginning and end to educational Powerpoint courses. The client was Poema, working with Unicef to provide capacity in an African government department. This course focused on statistics.

The Mutants have mutated
I’ve updated Mutants at The Mall to include the new style and a couple of new features, like interviews with the various characters, a diagram showing how they relate to each other, and a few other little things. See what you think – I would be interested to hear whether you prefer the new style […]

A brand new style combination
My client needed some whiteboard-friendly designs. So, from the rough samples supplied, I made these as .png and .ai (Illustrator) versions. They resemble our previous stick-figure images, with a dash of extra style! Specifically, the Chinese style combined with the Tinted Lines style. Also, the colour washes add some extra pizzazz. Enjoy the show. Back […]

This is becoming a talking point…
‘Body Break’ done for Poema. More info on this project soon! Thought I’d share this here as well, because it’s interesting, this new take on inter-generational studios now coming up for attention as a new thing. Have a read. And then, by the usual type of amazing coincidence that tends to constantly appear, this also […]

Caricatures – more than faces.
Caricatures tend to pop up frequently in my work, especially in the last few years. I like to include bits and pieces from the person’s work and hobbies e.g. those of Ferdi and Hilde Keller, guest house owners in Seapoint, who are also keen golfers, as are most of their guests. Caricatures make wonderful corporate […]

Little Wingsters
The Little Wingsters is a TV series in development. Aimed mainly at kids 6-8 years old and consisting of 26 x 11min episodes, Little Wingsters honours the tiny members of the angelic realm who deliver information, joy and comfort to children everywhere. They may occasionally borrow items to wake a child up to the beauty […]

Portrait for promotional purposes
A realistic portrait is a promotional idea that can be adapted constantly. This illustration was for a German opera singer. He’ll be using it as a promotional device throughout the year, adding different elements for each occasion or theme. It’s a brilliant idea and I imagine his clients will enjoy receiving these postcards. Working from […]

‘We’ll have to use stick-figures!’
When the budget needs to go to the bone… stick figures come into their own. When my client mentioned a new job involving the supervision of schools, the budget was smaller than usual. So she came up with the novel idea of doing stick figures. Because she was laughing, I thought she was joking. It […]
Bringing yoga to kids
Since a calm child is much more teachable, Jeanne Welsh’s yoga cards make the learning experience more pleasant and beneficial for the teacher and the class. Together with Nia Thorpe, Jeanne co-founded ‘Calm Classrooms’, an initiative to calm classrooms by means of yoga. The classroom materials consisted of 35 yoga cards showing various selected positions. […]
Comics and cartoons: Tax course
Financial management These are a few selected images from several that were produced for Poema, working with GIZ, which provides capacity for governments internationally. They included ‘situational cartoons’ or line drawings, using the Simple Style for the people, and the Fotomelt style for backgrounds. This combination was well received and has become our standby in […]
A loose technical drawing
Loose organic lines in a technical drawing. What fun! Yes, really – every now and again one has something way out of the ordinary to tackle. As the client said, ‘It’s something a little more exciting for the technical drawing portfolio.’ I wholeheartedly agree. Back to News/Views