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Illustration and design is what I do all day, most days. Photography is also part of my work, as reference or in a collage. I also do animation, usually as private projects.
For the last ten years I’ve been writing stories and screenplays, (see Walkie-Talkies) and I like making things, whether by hand, in my mind or both.
For even more words, here’s an interview by Katy Cambridge who has an astounding blog for anyone who’s interested in illustration.
I use a Wacom Cintiq tablet to turn out all my work. We’re joined at the stylus and it’s a happy partnership. The programs I use are Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere, Soundbooth, Reallusion CrazyTalk and a few others.
22 08 2018
We provide a wide array of software design and development services.
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