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The Runaway Egg
Anxious Mother Hen will do anything for her pride and joy, a beautiful egg. Which has its own plans, it seems.
(Click on any image to see more.)
Hen gazes at her new egg full of pride and accomplishment.
Hen, amazed as egg hops over the edge of her nest.
Baby goat looks up in surprise at egg in mid-air, hen bringing up the rear.
Cow with suckling calf sees hen nearly catching egg.
Cat gazes at a butterfly, oblivious to hen chasing egg past her.
Dog is startled by egg going by.
Sheep and her lamb gaze in astonishment at egg passing.
Pig peeps through fence at passing egg.
Frog leaps in the air as egg goes by.
Hen clutches head in desperation, chasing egg down the road.
Duck watches egg pass, hen in hot pursuit.
Bunny looks up as egg passes.
Hen covers face with wings as egg heads for rocks.
Hen and newly hatched chick, other animals come running.