All the Shooz have in common is their lost state. But they have plenty of fun while waiting for their tiny humans to check the Lost & Found box at a lively preschool. This is the core group. Sometimes, new characters will land in the box, and then disappear again with happy screams from their owners. So the Shooz make new friends and part again, with all the emotions this can entail.
MANGO (the classroom’s goldfish) eyes them from his bowl and plays the narrator/mentor, with occasional comments/questions to the viewers. The show is designed to be highly interactive, with many opportunities to sing along, dance and respond to questions.
The Lost & Found box is where the Shooz retreat to when the preschool kids arrive for their school day. But it’s all go when the kids depart, and time for the Shooz to do something new, with Mango the goldfish as their guide.
Using peek-a-boo and many other games, they (and their young viewers) learn about many things including colours, textures, shapes, numbers, concepts of ‘over, behind, through’ etc., everyday practical skills, one or two safety strategies (see songs) and social interactions, to mention just a few themes.