Classroom materials like these wallcharts cheer up classrooms all whole year round.
See also the yoga cards by Calm Classrooms.
These birthday and weather charts were commissioned by ECD Works to enliven classrooms and add to the continual background learning of 4-9-year-old children.
The birthday charts
These charts honour each child on their special day by featuring their name large in the middle, with a birthday cake on the right according to their new age. Relevant names appear on slips of paper on the birthday months below, and these obviously change every year.
The weather charts
These show the day of the week, the date, the current weather for the day, and the season. Featured in these classroom materials are the charts in two of the available languages, 5 different weather conditions and the four seasons (for both winter and summer rainfall areas in SA).
So it depends on where the classroom is. In a summer or winter rainfall area, the teachers will order either the W Cape or the Midlands weather chart. In this way, the pictured seasons reflect what’s happening outside.