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  7. Mutants at the Mall



In a post-human world, a tailless squirrel named Scribble navigates his mutant society, battling vanity, heartbreak and a power-hungry laundry iron to find love, community, and reconciliation.

A small taster of the story:

A DNA SmartBomb reduces all humans to piles of ash. So, other creatures take over. Some mutate, like SCRIBBLE, a tailless squirrel who joins the mutant community at the Old Zoo as a toddler with his pet, MONTY the monkey-moth. His vanity makes him a target when he hides his butt in a homemade wheelchair and performs circus tricks for his oblivious crush, AQUA VELVET. Loyal Monty calls an inventive dragonfly, DRAKANICA, who offers to ‘fix’ Scribble at her mall, but he refuses. Then his wheelchair disappears while he’s busy with a body break. Enough with the bullies – he joins Drakanica. And the Mall is heaven on earth! Even his missing owl buddy is there, now named COGS with a new brain. In ecstatic gratitude, Scribble dances along a shelf, only to fall, twisting his ankle. Confined to his couch, he grows fatter and sadder.

So Drakanica invents a pedalocopter to get her project moving, without success. Ever busy, she enhances a laundry iron which leaps into life as Sheena Orion and assumes control immediately. Sheena needs a jester – Scribble will do, with a large attitude adjustment. When Scribble self-medicates his broken heart in the pharmacy, Sheena sees her chance to do a lobotomy… 

Scribble new style, Mutants at The Mall


Scribble starts out fighting for acceptance from his fellow mutants at the Old Zoo. His fellow inmates are more than fine with their ‘defects’ and call out his vanity. So he becomes ’Buttey-Cup’. Still, there’s hope for Scribble, as his love for Aqua leads him to undreamed-of heights.


Aqua is kind, but oblivious to Scribble and his increasingly strenuous circus tricks. She plaits her ear-hair and grooms her friends, driving our foolhardy hero to even more risky stunts, to no avail…
Aqua Velvet, Mutants at The Mall
Monty new style Mutants at The Mall


Starting as the household pet monkey-moth, Monty gradually becomes Scribble’s stalwart guardian and wingmoth.

A discreet visit from Monty alerts Drakanica to the potential that lurks in Scribble’s issues.

Unobtrusive and well-connected, the trusty monkey-moth had already enabled the enigmatic genius in her faraway mall to reboot a little owl’s brain. (See COGS)


With the mental capacity of NASA, the lonely dragonfly in her mall is driven to perfect the imperfect in her hi-tech lab, including herself.  She ends up creating the perfect monster as well, but hey ho. We all make mistakes, even Drakanica.
Drakanica Mutants at The Mall
Sheena, character, Mutants at The Mall

Sheena Orion

The brilliant Drakanica outdoes even herself, creating SHEENA ORION… Unencumbered by a soul, Sheena mows down all opposition. It helps that she’s oblivious to anyone’s feelings unless she’s using them to manipulate her victims in order to rule at all cost.


Cogs’ new brain creates a new self as overbearing as he is tiny, except when he removes his itchy brain chips and forgets to replace them. This leads to several comical moments in the story, when he’s a lost owl.
Cogs, Mutants at The Mall

Life follows Art:

Earth as we know her, could quickly or gradually rid herself of humans as a dog shakes off troublesome fleas. In this story, humans have finally done away with themselves with their DNA SmartWeapons leaving other life-forms intact, as well as buildings and technology. Most of these carry on because of sustainable energy resources, especially solar power. (Yes, it’s quite far into the future…)

Self-cleaning solar panels are now available and I believe The Mall could carry on as it does in this story, more or less indefinitely, if it wasn’t for the lack of human technicians to maintain infrastructure.

Regarding Dead Malls:

Cogs’ new brain is also no longer unthinkable:

  • Interestingly, as with Cogs, the installation of new brains is also beginning. Check out this interesting interview with neuroscientist Moran Cerf – he speaks of how they are actually starting to use chips in neuroscience to fix the problem of faltering brains in Alzheimers patients and people generally losing cognitive ability due to old age. The info is at 46:36, if you want to scoot on ahead. This interview was posted to YouTube in 2017.
  • More recent is the announcement from Elon Musk  (2020 07 13) that his company Neuralink plans to implant AI into people’s brains in the very near future.  It is being hailed as a new evolutionary step for humans.
  • Update (2024 01 29): Neuralink has done it. 
  • Update (2025 01 13) Latest from Neuralink is even more encouraging.

Basic premise of the story:

Self-acceptance is the major theme; everyone has their limits, faults and strengths, everyone’s different.


We need each other. Our relationships with others are more important than things and surface appearances.  The little group is surrounded by things, more than they’ll ever need, but with their various weaknesses and strengths, they are dependent on each other.

Handicaps and injuries are a fact of life. Often, the most dangerous handicaps are invisible.

Ecology: How will it be when nature can once again take over? A hard look at the legacy of the humans.



In a post-human world, a tailless squirrel named Scribble navigates his mutant society, battling vanity, heartbreak and a power-hungry laundry iron to find love, community, and reconciliation..

A small taster of the story:

A DNA SmartBomb reduces all humans to piles of ash. So, other creatures take over. Some mutate, like SCRIBBLE, a tailless squirrel who joins the mutant community at the Old Zoo as a toddler with his pet, MONTY the monkey-moth. His vanity makes him a target when he hides his butt in a homemade wheelchair and performs circus tricks for his oblivious crush, AQUA VELVET. Loyal Monty calls an inventive dragonfly, DRAKANICA, who offers to ‘fix’ Scribble at her mall, but he refuses. Then his wheelchair disappears while he’s busy with a body break. Enough with the bullies – he joins Drakanica. And the Mall is heaven on earth! Even his missing owl buddy is there, now named COGS with a new brain. In ecstatic gratitude, Scribble dances along a shelf, only to fall, twisting his ankle. Confined to his couch, he grows fatter and sadder.

Drakanica invents a pedalocopter to get her project moving, without success. Ever busy, she enhances a laundry iron which leaps into life as Sheena Orion and assumes control immediately. Sheena needs a jester – Scribble will do, with a large attitude adjustment. When Scribble self-medicates his broken heart in the pharmacy, Sheena sees her chance to do a lobotomy… 

Scribble new style, Mutants at The Mall


Scribble starts out fighting for acceptance from his fellow mutants at the Old Zoo. His fellow inmates are more than fine with their ‘defects’ and call out his vanity. So he becomes ’Buttey-Cup’. Still, there’s hope for Scribble, as his love for Aqua leads him to undreamed-of heights.


Aqua is kind, but oblivious to Scribble and his increasingly strenuous circus tricks. She plaits her ear-hair and grooms her friends, making our foolhardy hero try even more risky stunts, to no avail… Her love is worth fighting for, though, and he’ll be doing quite a bit of that, his main opponent being himself.

Aqua Velvet, Mutants at The Mall
Drakanica Mutants at The Mall


With the mental capacity of NASA, the lonely dragonfly in her mall is driven to perfect the imperfect in her hi-tech lab, including herself.  She ends up creating the perfect monster as well, but hey ho. We all make mistakes, even Drakanica.


As the household pet monkey-moth, Monty gradually becomes Scribble’s stalwart guardian and wingmoth.

A discreet visit from Monty alerts Drakanica to the potential that lurks in Scribble’s issues. 

Unobtrusive and well-connected, the trusty monkey-moth had already enabled the enigmatic genius in her faraway mall to reboot a little owl’s brain. (See COGS)

Monty new style Mutants at The Mall
Sheena, character, Mutants at The Mall

Sheena Orion

The brilliant Drakanica outdoes even herself, creating SHEENA ORION… Unencumbered by a soul, Sheena mows down all opposition. It helps that she’s oblivious to anyone’s feelings unless she’s using them to manipulate her victims in order to rule at all cost.


Cogs’ new brain creates a new self as overbearing as he is tiny, except when he removes his itchy brain chips and forgets to replace them. This leads to several comical moments in the story, when he’s a lost owl.
Cogs, Mutants at The Mall

Life follows Art:

Earth, as we know her, could quickly or gradually rid herself of humans as a dog shakes off troublesome fleas. In this story, humans have finally done away with themselves with their DNA SmartWeapons, leaving other life-forms intact, as well as buildings and technology. Most of these carry on because of sustainable energy resources, especially solar power. (Yes, it’s quite far into the future…)

Self-cleaning solar panels are now available and I believe The Mall could carry on as it does in this story, more or less indefinitely, without human technicians to maintain infrastructure.

Regarding Dead Malls:

Cogs’ new brain is also no longer unthinkable:

  • Interestingly, as with Cogs, the installation of new brains is also beginning. Check out this interesting interview with neuroscientist Moran Cerf – he speaks of how they are actually starting to use chips in neuroscience to fix the problem of faltering brains in Alzheimers patients and people generally losing cognitive ability due to old age. The info is at 46:36, if you want to scoot on ahead. This interview was posted to YouTube in 2017.
  • More recent is Elon Musk’s announcement (2020 07 13) that his company Neuralink plans to implant AI into people’s brains in the very near future.  It is being hailed as a new evolutionary step for humans.
  • Update (2024 01 29): Neuralink has done it. 
  • Update (2025 01 13) Latest news from Neuralink is very encouraging.

Basic premise of the story:

Self-acceptance is the major theme; everyone has their limits, faults and strengths, everyone’s different.


We need each other. Our relationships with others are more important than things and surface appearances.  The little group is surrounded by more things than they’ll ever need, but with their various weaknesses and strengths, they are dependent on each other.

Handicaps and injuries are a fact of life. Often, the most dangerous handicaps are invisible.

Ecology: How will it be when nature can once again take over? A hard look at the legacy of the humans.