Little Wingsters is a courier company on the tiny planet Winghaven, from where the mighty Moya sends four angels to help children everywhere; but when they mess up, who will un-mess the messengers?
For many reasons, children sometimes want to give up. The Little Wingsters remind them:
1) they can choose their reaction to any event.2) They are never alone.
The main reason for this story is to show children their own power, to let them pause and imagine their favourite angel(s). Because when they hand it over, their own minds can relax and find a solution, or at least choose their reaction to the event.
At the core of the tiny planet Winghaven dwells Moya, a playful swarm of lights who hears children’s wishes, desires, joys and distress via the planet’s earphones. Feathers on the Skynaps tree catch star seeds and form cocoons to hatch new angels. Like Koko, who hatches in the pilot episode, and meets her fellow couriers, Punki, Inga and Xuki. They take her to Dispatch (Moya), where she learns the Rules, finds her potential apartment in the Keep, and goes on her first project.
In each episode, Moya assigns our heroes a project. The postbox screen shows the latest crisis, always involving mainly the two Smith kids, Trevor and Casey, and sometimes their buddies, Snap and Chris. Instantly the Wingsters are there to sort it out, each with their special gifts in a rucksack, in touch telepathically with each other, and all grasping the situation immediately. Or so they think.
Chaos ensues: Punki brings creativity, Inga adding patience, Xuki jumping in with logic and Koko relentlessly bringing joy. Soon they’re busy clashing agendas.
Then Moya must rescue the rescuers with coincidences, odd events and sparkles. As the song goes: ‘Sometimes we may get it wrong, but our Moya makes us strong!’
(BELOW:) The earthbound kids: Snap, Casey, Trevor and Chris.
So the ‘normal world’ happens in 2D animation, while the Wingsters’ world is in 3D.
(Not shown: Parents of Casey and Trevor.)

Little Wingsters is a courier company on the tiny planet Winghaven, from where the mighty Moya sends four angels to help children everywhere; but when they mess up, who will un-mess the messengers?
For many reasons, children sometimes want to give up. The Little Wingsters remind them, that:
1) they can choose their reaction to any event, and
2) they are never alone.
The main reason for this story is to show children their own power; to let them pause and imagine their favourite angel(s)… and calling them in to help.
When they ‘hand it over’, their own minds can relax and find a solution or at lease choose their reaction to the issue.
The pilot begins with Koko hatching, and meeting her fellow couriers. The other three Wingsters help her out of her cocoon and introduce her to grumpy Ignatius, (winged sheep and the planet’s ‘manager’ and groundkeeper) and The Keep, where they sleep. They explain that she’ll invent her own ‘apartment’ in there, as they have done.
Koko meets Moya (Dispatch’), who explains how the roots of the Slynaps Tree absorb every thought children send into the ether. The information then passes through the earphones and the speakers into Moya’s Central Dispatch. Coco is intrigued by the singing planet.
At the beginning of each episode, Moya summons the angels via an announcement from the red postbox.
Usually, there’s a short video of the child in the situation on the screen, depicting the situation. The angels then locate the child by thought and are there instantaneously. The children of only one family feature in the TV series, along with one or two of their friends. In each episode, one or two of our chubby heroes is assigned to a specific child in its stressful situation, and different flavours of chaos and mess result from the eagerness of four eager little emissaries.
As the song goes: ‘Sometimes we may get it wrong, but our Moya makes us strong!’

(ABOVE) The earthbound kids: Snap, Casey, Trevor and Chris.
So the ‘normal world’ happens in 2D animation, while the Wingsters’ world is in 3D.
(Not shown: Parents of Casey and Trevor.)